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The Political economy of public debt and austerity in EU

Une publication de Transform ! Europe

The Political Economy of Public Debt and Austerity in the EU, is a compilation of analytical articles initially presented in a European Conference on the crisis of public debt in Europe, organized in March 2011 by the Party of the European Left, transform ! europe, Nicos Poulantzas Instistute and the Coalition of the Radical Left (Synaspismos) in Athens.

The contributors include a big range of important academics, researchers and political figures like Riccardo Bellofiore, Nicos Chountis, Yiannis Dragasakis, Daniel Finn, Marica Frangakis, Elisabeth Gauthier, Maria Karamessini, Pierre Laurent, Mariana Mortagua, Tamas Morva, Javier Navascues, Pedro Paez Perez, Kunibert Raffer, Dimitris Sotiropoulos, George Stathakis, Jan Toporowski, Eric Toussaint, Euclid Tsakalotos, Alexis Tsipras, Brigitte Unger, Yanis Varoufakis and Giovanna Vertova, and was edited by Elena Papadopoulou and Gabriel Sakellaridis, both collaborators of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute in Athens.

The book is organized in 6 sections
(1. Understanding the European Debt Crisis in a Global Perspective, 2. The Management of the Debt Crisis by the EU and the European Elites, 3. Facets of the Social and Political Consequences of the Crisis in Europe, 4. The PIGS as Scapegoats, 5. Overcoming the Crisis : the Imperative for Alternative Proposals, and 6. The Crucial Role of the European Left- Political Interventions).

To order the book, please contact the Nicos Poulantzas Institute (info@poulantzas.gr, tel : 0030-2103212531).

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